It came as a complete and utter shock to me. JC told me that Michael Jackson is dead. I said, "What? Michael Jackson? Why? When?"
Apparently i woke up late and didn't tune in to the radio. Almost all stations are reporting the news and playing the King of Pop's songs in tribute.
The reported cause of death was allegedly cardiac arrest. This was according to his brother, Jermaine.
I'm now typing this with droplets of tears forming in my eyes. The memories of listening to his songs when i was young, in primary and secondary all come flooding back.
I am so sad now. The world have just lost another icon. Some may say that he's twisted or a child molester. But i nvr nvr believed any of that. He's still some one i adore. His music is the defining music that i grew up to. It shaped my childhood and youth.
Thank you Michael Jackson for everything that you gave us.
To all the fan's of MJ out there, You Are Not Alone. I grieve with all of you.
And worst of all the passing of MJ came hot on the heels of another sad news.
The day before, just before i slept, news of the death of Farrah Fawcett started emerging. Many wouldn't know who she is but i know because i actually watched the original Charlie's Angels on tv. I was devastated. Farrah passed away on June 25, 2009 after a lengthy battle with cancer. She was 62.
I actually had a poster of Farrah somewhere in my home. I can't remember where i got hold of it or who gave it to me. She's the sex symbol of the 70's an 80's and had the hairdo that all women wanted then.

So yeah, this is the picture/poster that i was talking about. It is said that this poster is the best selling poster of all time. It adorned 12 million bedroom walls back then, be it boys or girls because she was adored by both.
RIP Michael and Farrah.
So sad...